Book Clubs
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Borrow a book club kit
If you run your own book club, the library has many book club kits with 10 copies of each title that can be borrowed for an extended loan period of six weeks. View available book club kits in our catalogue. A keyword search for “book club kit” will retrieve results.
To learn when new book club kits are added to the collection, subscribe to the Book Club Bulletin.
How it works
- Place a hold request on the book club kit of your choice.
- Pick up the kit when you receive notification that your hold is available.
- Return all ten copies + discussion guide when you return the kit on the due date.
Book club kits are not considered returned until all ten copies plus the discussion guide and bag are returned. Any missing or damaged items are the responsibility of the borrower.
Consider using a tracking sheet to keep track of your books.
Alternate formats
cloudLibrary offers downloadable eBooks and eAudiobooks. There is no monthly limit for checkouts, but there are a limited quantity of books available. Several titles do have multiple copies that can work for book clubs.
Hoopla has a monthly limit of five checkouts, but does allow simultaneous access, so all book club members can read the same book at the same time. Hoopla also offers the The Club - a selection of specially selected eBooks perfect for book clubs.
Also consider other formats for your book clubs. Some successful book clubs happen without an assigned book, where instead everyone brings their own book to share. Another option is themed book clubs, where everyone picks their own book based on a common theme. As a bonus, everyone leaves with a new reading list.
Book Club Bulletin
Subscribe and learn about newly added Book Club Kits with our newest NextReads Newsletter: Book Club Bulletin.