Room Rentals
Please be advised that at this time, only the East Side location is available for room rental services.
Room Rental Process
Please read our Room Rental policy prior to placing your request.
Request a Room Manage Room Reservations
Requests are processed Monday to Friday 9-5. We require a minimum of two days' notice for a new booking.
A Guelph Public Library staff member will contact you within two working days.
Note: Your reservation is not official until you receive confirmation from Guelph Public Library staff.
For inquiries, please use contact information below.
Room Rental Information
Meeting rooms are provided for library and library-related programs and meetings. After those needs are met they may be available to organizations and groups as revenue-generating public facilities. The rooms may be booked for meetings, education or training seminars, cultural events and community interest activities. All uses of the available rooms should be in keeping with the spirit of what is acceptable in other parts of the library and should not interfere with the regular operations of the library.
Meeting rooms are not rented for private social functions, trade exhibitions, religious services, direct sales of products or services, or programs that are not suited to the library's physical facilities and family oriented atmosphere.
When special circumstances apply, a request may be made in writing to the CEO for an exception to the above.
Use of meeting rooms by any groups or organization does not constitute an endorsement by the Library Board of that group or organization's belief or policies. Use of meeting rooms must not contravene the Criminal Code of Canada.
The following definitions shall apply for the purpose of this Policy:
Non-profit group
Any group or organization formed for the purpose of serving a public or mutual benefit other than the pursuit or accumulation of profits for owners or investors.
For profit group
Any group or organization formed for the purpose of creating a profit.